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what did u win ? :vibe:
Congrats, its a good thing that pen started writing eh... lol enjoy the Dina! What strain did you pick?
Morning guys I went for blue cheese and critical 2.0 I'm going to maybe run 2 of each after my current grow ends
Good Morning A.F.N.
I see the high rollers came out to play . :thumbsup: Always inspiring to see the outdoor guys doing well in spite of the shit weather some of us have had this year but then I'm guessing that we may have to make some adjustments to accommodate because ma Nature is a very unpredictable lady these days as the weather guys know well . I visited one of my local hydro guys yesterday and chatted about nutrition and such . In his opinion 3/4 of the stuff on his shelves is crap ( remember his opinion ) He's been in the business for 19 years and has seen a lot of fades come and go . I have started my current grow in FFOF and he has suggested that I return in 2 weeks for more suggestions ?? He has complied a list of products based on popularity by other customers and now has tweaked my curiosity so I will return to see what he's got up his sleeve . I'm sure I will be reaching for my credit card before I leave the store . All this reminds me of my first computer purchase 13 years ago that eventually ended up in me spending 1000 of dollars on video, audio cards , processors etc always under the false impression that the next purchase would be the ultimate one . I'm such a sucker and can be easily convinced by slick advertising . :shrug: Enjoy your day stoner's Mon is just around the corner . :cooldance:
Well I need to get an air stone to throw in my water barrel...I took the top off to grab some water and holy shit it stunk..Nice film of algae floating on the I dropped in my submersible pump and extracted all the water out..I'm going to clean it out with baking soda and rinse then hook up the filter again and only fill half way..I don't have an air pump at the moment so instead of filling the barrel all the way I'll fill half way, pretty much what I can use in a short amount of time...I should of went down in the meantime and stirred the water a bit everyday but I didn't..My plants will be watered after 12 tonight, so on to the cleaning.
Hey there boss, you could temporarily just use your submersible pump to keep things mixed up in the bottom of the barrel. I do this on the farm all the time.
Goooood morning AFN!!!

How about a little Sunday morning [HASHTAG]#showusyourbush[/HASHTAG]
Good Morning A.F.N.
I see the high rollers came out to play . :thumbsup: Always inspiring to see the outdoor guys doing well in spite of the shit weather some of us have had this year but then I'm guessing that we may have to make some adjustments to accommodate because ma Nature is a very unpredictable lady these days as the weather guys know well . I visited one of my local hydro guys yesterday and chatted about nutrition and such . In his opinion 3/4 of the stuff on his shelves is crap ( remember his opinion ) He's been in the business for 19 years and has seen a lot of fades come and go . I have started my current grow in FFOF and he has suggested that I return in 2 weeks for more suggestions ?? He has complied a list of products based on popularity by other customers and now has tweaked my curiosity so I will return to see what he's got up his sleeve . I'm sure I will be reaching for my credit card before I leave the store . All this reminds me of my first computer purchase 13 years ago that eventually ended up in me spending 1000 of dollars on video, audio cards , processors etc always under the false impression that the next purchase would be the ultimate one . I'm such a sucker and can be easily convinced by slick advertising . :shrug: Enjoy your day stoner's Mon is just around the corner . :cooldance:
i dont know if its possible to post the list on stoner chat but could you pm me it when you get it im intrigued what he thinks
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