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I give 2 thumbs up for both dina and DP aww...both are excellent, though dina excels at outdoor absolutely(mold resistance was amongst the best)
really... I'm not finding this... always with the pm, r u photo's or auto's? (dina)
mind you.. after all the shit we had this season.. that is phenomenal.. and I forgot about the lil guy that went right threw snow.. ya they do a wicked job on mold resistance
@St. Tom Hey Buddy you know i was just giving you shit about being the man and winning the prize package. No offense intended. I hope we get down like that!
I didn't even see it pal and I'm here to have a laugh and I'm pretty thick skinned also someone asked what did I win 2x 5 seeds of my choice 1 t-shirt one cap grinder ECT all provided off dianafem mark he's a legend and thanks to duggy for posting the comp
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Neighbor's cat has adopted my patio. Ok...partially my fault when I started putting out a little clean water for him after finding him drinking from the nasty bird bath. And maybe more so for putting out a little food when he started looking too thin while being around all the time. But I think I'm really going to have to get over my talking with strangers hang up and talk to the neighbor that supposedly owns the cat before it gets REALLY cold out and find out if he's still their cat or not. Total lap cat, just wants to climb up in my lap, lie there and purr every time I sit down outside lately (provided the dog doesn't beat him to the lap).

I to you stay detached when you know it's supposed to be someone else's cat, but most mornings lately your finding the little dude curled up in the corner under your covered patio looking like it's trying to stay out of the weather and keep warm.
I didn't even see it pal and I'm here to have a laugh and I'm pretty thick skinned also someone asked what did I win 2x 5 seeds of my choice 1 t-shirt one cap grinder ECT all provided off dianafem mark he's a legend and thanks to duggy for posting the comp
thanks, I knew we were good!
Good Morning A.F.N.
I see the high rollers came out to play . :thumbsup: Always inspiring to see the outdoor guys doing well in spite of the shit weather some of us have had this year but then I'm guessing that we may have to make some adjustments to accommodate because ma Nature is a very unpredictable lady these days as the weather guys know well . I visited one of my local hydro guys yesterday and chatted about nutrition and such . In his opinion 3/4 of the stuff on his shelves is crap ( remember his opinion ) He's been in the business for 19 years and has seen a lot of fades come and go . I have started my current grow in FFOF and he has suggested that I return in 2 weeks for more suggestions ?? He has complied a list of products based on popularity by other customers and now has tweaked my curiosity so I will return to see what he's got up his sleeve . I'm sure I will be reaching for my credit card before I leave the store . All this reminds me of my first computer purchase 13 years ago that eventually ended up in me spending 1000 of dollars on video, audio cards , processors etc always under the false impression that the next purchase would be the ultimate one . I'm such a sucker and can be easily convinced by slick advertising . :shrug: Enjoy your day stoner's Mon is just around the corner . :cooldance:
bring your cheque book and your ears..
moh's got deals.. bear my new investor lmao.. we'll get you on the beaches with coconut umbrella drinks
Neighbor's cat has adopted my patio. Ok...partially my fault when I started putting out a little clean water for him after finding him drinking from the nasty bird bath. And maybe more so for putting out a little food when he started looking too thin while being around all the time. But I think I'm really going to have to get over my talking with strangers hang up and talk to the neighbor that supposedly owns the cat before it gets REALLY cold out and find out if he's still their cat or not. Total lap cat, just wants to climb up in my lap, lie there and purr every time I sit down outside lately (provided the dog doesn't beat him to the lap).

I to you stay detached when you know it's supposed to be someone else's cat, but most mornings lately your finding the little dude curled up in the corner under your covered patio looking like it's trying to stay out of the weather and keep warm.
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I think he's chose you pal I love animals we have cats next door who find it amusing to wait till my German shepherd comes out to run the gauntlet across my yard Zack chases only cause it run s if it stopped he'd shit dotty her name is she's scatty
Neighbor's cat has adopted my patio. Ok...partially my fault when I started putting out a little clean water for him after finding him drinking from the nasty bird bath. And maybe more so for putting out a little food when he started looking too thin while being around all the time. But I think I'm really going to have to get over my talking with strangers hang up and talk to the neighbor that supposedly owns the cat before it gets REALLY cold out and find out if he's still their cat or not. Total lap cat, just wants to climb up in my lap, lie there and purr every time I sit down outside lately (provided the dog doesn't beat him to the lap).

I to you stay detached when you know it's supposed to be someone else's cat, but most mornings lately your finding the little dude curled up in the corner under your covered patio looking like it's trying to stay out of the weather and keep warm.
View attachment 807958
orange cats are usually so chill too..
looks like this cat my aunt had.. was a rescue declawed and byfar the best hunter ive seen regardless of the no claw handicap. once a bat got in the house and in came ... (keep name blank), jumped like 12 feet in the air an one smacked it, first take... before the days of cellphone cameras
Hey there boss, you could temporarily just use your submersible pump to keep things mixed up in the bottom of the barrel. I do this on the farm all the time.

Thanks man, that's not a bad idea but would be a pain in the ass for me..It's like 100 ft hose and extension cord..I'm just going to head to the grow store, grab a small dual outlet pump, stones and some 1/4" tubing..If I had more plants and had no access to an air pump though, I would use the method you suggested..
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