:smoking: but she's tryin' GS! Honestly, I'm a bit surprised they aren't faster,... maybe it the nearly pure Sativa Power Plant in them that's the drag,... I took the top both because they were where I like them, and the fucking mold was trying to really move in! ... lowers still cooking, hold up better,... I think I have bits of TF and the 'Phisto girls to try tonight! ..Atomic is just that, atomic--very potent! but a damn rot-fest, alas,.. FCJ on my list too thanks to you! And she has WW in her right? She looks yummy,... you know, for some reason, I cannot get a good shot of TF, it just doesn't show well??
CC drying, very grapey now... Tf is fruity, with a menthol-like note..interesting!
thank you my friend, there's more porn-a-plenty at the thread-

...wait 'til you see the 'Phisto girl next round of pics!

Sour Bubble/Chem-D' x Alien OG,... top 5 most resinous plants I have ever seen! I shall endeavor to get phat pics of this,....