@opticfoliar sometimes guests can get swamped with the questions getting fired thick and fast. Your a handling it like a pro!
You already answered a question i had in mind- a lot of growers autoflower growers especially come across calcium and magnesium deficiencies. A foliar can be a great way to get the nutrients to the plant fast.
But i see you mention ypur product already has Ca and Mg - is that in the overgrow?
If so do you advice using less calmag suppliment
Calcium magnesium is present in our OVERGROW spray as well as the WATTS product. so whether you are using our ready to use or the WATTS concentrate with TRANSPORT etc. you will get all the calmag you need.
its important to also note that whether it is OVERGROW or the concentrates, that we have about 90 + ingredients ranging from NPK, micros , amino acids, vitamins, carbs etc within the solution, all working together to prevent deficiencies while maintaining high levels of growth.
when used regularly you should find little to no deficiencies .
Had a knock at the door and had trouble getting the guest to go away
@opticfoliar I'm in Colorado and honestly am very new to outdoor growing and even indoor growing with this climate and bugs (it's like the wild west with critters out here.) My neighbor has some amazing looks plants outside but even he's having a terrible time with powdery mildew and cut worms. Would the Overgrow spray be something to potentially combat those things? Would a preventative spray treatment be the proper course, or can be it be used to correct already existing conditions? Thank you!
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