Cultivators Club
@opticfoliar sometimes guests can get swamped with the questions getting fired thick and fast. Your a handling it like a pro!

You already answered a question i had in mind- a lot of growers autoflower growers especially come across calcium and magnesium deficiencies. A foliar can be a great way to get the nutrients to the plant fast.
But i see you mention ypur product already has Ca and Mg - is that in the overgrow?
If so do you advice using less calmag suppliment

You already answered a question i had in mind- a lot of growers autoflower growers especially come across calcium and magnesium deficiencies. A foliar can be a great way to get the nutrients to the plant fast.
But i see you mention ypur product already has Ca and Mg - is that in the overgrow?
If so do you advice using less calmag suppliment