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Dinafem Blue Widow...again fence on left is 4' 6 " of a plant for location!!(though behind in flower for my short season :()
Thank you iampepe!

I was debating doing it, though those dark spots on the newer growth have not spread anymore. I think I'm going to just ride it out like you'd mentioned, for these remaining couple weeks. Probably just keep giving it distilled water, keep watch on the soil pH, and maybe throw in a few more supplemental feedings with the ff bigbloom.

I appreciated the help man, epsecially since you've been working with these nutes for some years. Though I definitely appreciated all the input that was given. Great group of people. :D
I think that's you best bet. YOu usually end up chasing your own tail trying to fix it, if you do get it fix something else tends to pop up. These autos grow so fast I think for the most part it's best to let em ride it out to the end and try again.
I think that's you best bet. YOu usually end up chasing your own tail trying to fix it, if you do get it fix something else tends to pop up. These autos grow so fast I think for the most part it's best to let em ride it out to the end and try again.

I agree with this. Yeah I wouldn't want to end up deeper in the hole lol. I'm happy overall with how things went, and for a first growing canna I think things went good overall [really no issues until things got well into flowering]. So cheers to that mate!
I think that's you best bet. YOu usually end up chasing your own tail trying to fix it, if you do get it fix something else tends to pop up. These autos grow so fast I think for the most part it's best to let em ride it out to the end and try again.

I do the same thing....trying to chase deficiencies near the end is quite an effort.
Damn bud worms!! Wish i had more experience with them to help you out bud.
I've tried everything you can think of. I just can't grow where I'd like too. Now if grew them in a fence row or in a cornfield where the farmers spray nasty chems for all those critters I never have a problem. I'm at a point where I don't want chems anymore in my life. With my lady having had cancer we decided to go all organic on everything, I don't want to smoke nor eat them.
I've tried everything you can think of. I just can't grow where I'd like too. Now if grew them in a fence row or in a cornfield where the farmers spray nasty chems for all those critters I never have a problem. I'm at a point where I don't want chems anymore in my life. With my lady having had cancer we decided to go all organic on everything, I don't want to smoke nor eat them.

Totally understand bud. We grow most of our own veggies and fruits with all organics and pesticide free, and we simply cannot grow several types of veggies due to insects.
I do the same thing....trying to chase deficiencies near the end is quite an effort.
It used to stress me out trying to fix everything, I just them do their own thing now. Makes life a bit simpler...
It used to stress me out trying to fix everything, I just them do their own thing now. Makes life a bit simpler...

I lay a lot on my outdoor plants...they are what keep me going through the harsh winter when pain is at the highest extreme...i do my best not to stress, but sometimes its hard not to!!(like this season with most plants flowering too late and wont finish...tangling with winter at the end of this season!!) I can't afford errors on plants that i need to get myself and a friend(an old fellow with a broken upper neck like myself) through the tough winter.
Hahaha and I don't even have any calmag ffs lol can you get it at Walmart or someplace or maybe I can order it maybe
If your growing under LED's/Cobs you'll definitely need cal/mag of some sort. I just started using organic Elemental cal/mag, it's working good.
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