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Goooood morning AFN!!!

Happy Labor Day!!!

:worship:woaah mate that is hands down the best lookin organics ive seen yet! i never realised before that yous just feed them water. thats crazy. also explains why the soil sounds so complicated .is it still possible to make massive plants by using a massive pot and still just feeding them water? im impressed at that mate. looks like itll be an awesome smoke! i take back everything ive ever said about organics man thats just totally changed my opinion on it.
do you have to get the soil absolutely perfect first time though seing as you cant just flush stuff out or whatever? that must take some skills like. im actually blown away. respect mate.
Wow thanks man, this is the first time I've tried it, I've used Fox farm trio for years 15 or so. I used to grow a lot of rdwc and had my mothers in soil feeding them the trio. I've been measuring and mixing nutes for too long, tired of it to be honest. This year I bought some burpee's organic granular (chicken manure, feather meal and potash) for my outdoor veggie garden and it's completely overgrown any garden I've ever had. My tomatoes 5-6 strains are 7 feet/2.1 m tall, I've never had tomatoes this good so I thought I'd try it on cannabis and it's working great! I'll be trying it again in the Cob and Mephisto grow battles growing A vs T a larger strain and White Stompers.
Purdy flower mate. Do you get any help about the flushing bit?

Thank you iampepe!

I was debating doing it, though those dark spots on the newer growth have not spread anymore. I think I'm going to just ride it out like you'd mentioned, for these remaining couple weeks. Probably just keep giving it distilled water, keep watch on the soil pH, and maybe throw in a few more supplemental feedings with the ff bigbloom.

I appreciated the help man, epsecially since you've been working with these nutes for some years. Though I definitely appreciated all the input that was given. Great group of people. :D
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