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she looks a bit N tox and lacking in calmag mate. gotta watch the nitrogen man it fucked my last lot for a nearly a month till i figured out what i was doing wrong. got no idea about soil growing though so couldnt advise how to sort it.
I'm a noob bro help me understand what you mean? What do I need to do?
so, you pay like £30 for 45 litres........
we pay......
wait for it......
drum roll.....
MORE THAN THAT FOR A FUCKING LITRE!!!!! View attachment 799700 is that the stuff you use? im not paying that much man. jesus christ 1 pot would cost me six hundred quid !!!! ahh just realised i was almost right with my first comment of a weeks wages lol
Man it would be cheaper for you to move to Canada that's outrages must be the shipping cost's :nono:
I'm a noob bro help me understand what you mean? What do I need to do?
sorry bro but i grow hydro its a completely different way of doing things. i can just take it out of the water if i dont want it. post what sort of soil and what nutrients your feeding and we'll get it sorted though mate. a lot of the guys on here grow soil so it wont take long : )
I'm a noob bro help me understand what you mean? What do I need to do?
If I may suggest , if your having issues with your grow contact @ Waira he's the plant doctor . There is a special section ??? to contact him or try contacting him here and see if he responds You'll need lots of pictures so he can diagnose the issues . Good Luck :thumbsup:
sorry bro but i grow hydro its a completely different way of doing things. i can just take it out of the water if i dont want it. post what sort of soil and what nutrients your feeding and we'll get it sorted though mate. a lot of the guys on here grow soil so it wont take long : )
Most all them know what I'm growing in ! I'm growing in kindsoil I've only watered them up to this point and I've top fed a bit of growers recharge but other than that all I've done is make sure my water is pH to 6.5 and it has been every water
I'm a noob bro help me understand what you mean? What do I need to do?
quick run down for you mate.
see how everything looks dark, thats too much nitrogen. that can slow the growth. theres a couple of things can cause that colour but if you look closely at the tip of the big leave in the middle and the one on the left, the very tips of them are clawed downward. id imagine they dont feel right iether. kinda paper like, thin or dry maybe. if the tips claw down like that its too much N every time.
if the new growth, and only the new growth, nowhere else, starts turning yellow/ light green from the stem towards the tip, like that.
then you need to add some calmag. make sure its a brand with no added Nitrogen. i use one with extra nitrogen so again someone else will have to help you there.
itll get busy here again in an hour or so though so just chill for a bit and all will be revealed my friend. the yanks are mostly sleeping and we in the uk are mostly lazy lol
quick run down for you mate.
View attachment 799709 see how everything looks dark, thats too much nitrogen. that can slow the growth. theres a couple of things can cause that colour but if you look closely at the tip of the big leave in the middle and the one on the left, the very tips of them are clawed downward. id imagine they dont feel right iether. kinda paper like, thin or dry maybe. if the tips claw down like that its too much N every time.
if the new growth, and only the new growth, nowhere else, starts turning yellow/ light green from the stem towards the tip, like that.
View attachment 799710 then you need to add some calmag. make sure its a brand with no added Nitrogen. i use one with extra nitrogen so again someone else will have to help you there.
itll get busy here again in an hour or so though so just chill for a bit and all will be revealed my friend. the yanks are mostly sleeping and we in the uk are mostly lazy lol
Hahaha and I don't even have any calmag ffs lol can you get it at Walmart or someplace or maybe I can order it maybe
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