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Fact of the matter is hemp could cause a revolution. The biomass alone could save the world, end climate change, etc. not that simple of course but it is a good road to start down...

Look at how it already has. How far back you saw the first piece of modern hemp cloth, paper, plastic. Over the years of struggle by NORML and others, they were the props, the tangibles that gave folks something tactile to get past the stoner hippy images.
Look at how it already has. How far back you saw the first piece of modern hemp cloth, paper, plastic. Over the years of struggle by NORML and others, they were the props, the tangibles that gave folks something tactile to get past the stoner hippy images.
Hey !!!! I liked being a stoned hippy :cooldance:
Back in the day, before Dupont, Mellon, and Anslinger killed cannabis and hemp, hemp was a major agricultural product. It was poised to take out cotton and cellulose. You ccan get more product out of hemp than most other ag crops. Oils, fibers, etc. Plus it grows almost anywhere and eats anything, it's like the perfect farm plant. We need to cover the earth with hemp and cover our yards in canna!!!!
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