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True but the feds here have already said in their official plan that they will allow 4 plants up to one meter tall for personal growers.

AND It being illegal hasn't prevented a $10+ billion dollar per year cannabis industry in Canada anyway :) All those growers aren't going away quietly.

Up to 1m tall but no limit how wide you can grow her? ;)
Up to 1m tall but no limit how wide you can grow her? ;)

As far as I'm aware, not yet. I think the justification for this seemingly arbitrary height limit is they want to make sure that it isn't visible to kids over backyard fences.

Any backyard gardeners in Canada should take precautions against teenagers!!!!! They're more dangerous to crops than slugs, hail, deer, and russet mites combined! LOL
This is the foreign money that has confidence in Canada's decision to legalize marijuana and is ready to exploit it as soon as possible :thumbsup:

Have you heard "GW Pharmaceuticals" thrown around at all? The UK firm that some states here have so much faith in for their medical grade CBD ( Charlotte's Web" ) that they forbid even commercial growing. So much for jobs eh?

Imagine the grow potential in the miles of empty coal mines. The jobs that could put the folks back in clean mines without blacklung. All the support businesses and service companies. Year round crops.

It could change the whole picture for some of the poorest parts of our country.
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Have you heard "GW Pharmaceuticals" thrown around at all? The UK firm that some states here have so much faith in for their medical grade CBD ( Charlotte's Web" ) that they forbid even commercial growing. So much for jobs eh?

Imagine the grow potential in the miles of empty coal mines. The jobs that could put the folks back in clean mines without blacklung. All the support businesses and service companies. Year round crops.

Sounds like the beginning of a business plan for you @Feenix
Have you heard "GW Pharmaceuticals" thrown around at all? The UK firm that some states here have so much faith in for their medical grade CBD ( Charlotte's Web" ) that they forbid even commercial growing. So much for jobs eh?

Imagine the grow potential in the miles of empty coal mines. The jobs that could put the folks back in clean mines without blacklung. All the support businesses and service companies. Year round crops.
Do you think the current administration will figure that one out :rofl: Drop them a email Feenix see what they say they might give you a job :thumbsup:
Have you heard "GW Pharmaceuticals" thrown around at all? The UK firm that some states here have so much faith in for their medical grade CBD ( Charlotte's Web" ) that they forbid even commercial growing. So much for jobs eh?

Imagine the grow potential in the miles of empty coal mines. The jobs that could put the folks back in clean mines without blacklung. All the support businesses and service companies. Year round crops.

It could change the whole picture for some of the poorest parts of our country.
Fact of the matter is hemp could cause a revolution. The biomass alone could save the world, end climate change, etc. not that simple of course but it is a good road to start down...
It has been on my mind for some time looking at salt caverns, Who cares whats behind the drywall A big project from ground floor, not until the feds solidify the legality. not until we are no longer "Baaaad People"
Fact of the matter is hemp could cause a revolution. The biomass alone could save the world, end climate change, etc. not that simple of course but it is a good road to start down...

pssssttt shhhhhh
that's safety meeting talk

... now they'll be watching
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