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So it has been 25 hours since I've had my last cigarette. I decided to quit cold turkey. ( @budelee we talked about it and now I'm doing it) 6 years to long...

The anxiety and shakiness and restlessness is kicking in. I have dabs to keep the majority of the edge off... And I have joints rolled and ready for when I get a serious urge and need to feel like smoking a cig I smoke a jay.

I woke up fine but right after my breakfast it started to hit me.

I'm going to incorporate more workouts. As a ex-smoker (yeah that's right) I even hated the idea of a cig after getting ripped so I hope it's the same in the retrospective that I'm quitting .

Hang in there!!! I went cold turkey back in Oct 2015 after 25+ years and it's rough. Once you get past the jitters phase it starts getting better. Wish I'd gotten like some that the smell starts turning 'em off, but I still get the crave sometimes walking past 'em at the market and out and about. is soooooooo very much better overall without 'em that I'll never go back!

Keep with it and hang in there!!! It's worth it in the end!!!
Good day everyone. Things have gone fully shit south on the homefront here but I'm trying to make the best of it. I'll be back after I cool
down some.

Then just go the the one that says drying in brown bag!!!! It's all good read now I'm familiar with pops22 way he does it exactly like my old unkle did!!! Hope this helps you bro it's all good information
And I only read on AFN there's enough here to keep me reading hahahaha

oh right yeah man thats the one i read lol. i found out about it from reading about tang using the method, then found that thread and did the same spent like a night reading it all lol.
@DreadHeadiez ,

hang in there chum. It is the best choice you have ever made. Proud of ya !........don't let us or yourself down. You will do it. Then you can be a sanctimonious old bastard like me. If someone stands next to me now (as an ex smoker) I have to move away. You will soon realise how bad the smell is from someone who just had a ciggie. And your health will be 10X better.

Go on my son........................eP.

Come on Stoners, give him some encouragement...........................
Who's getting ready for an interview this week???
We are!!!
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The time has changed
The Show will start at 9pm BST or 2pm Mountain time
Be there!!!​
Besides the two drivers, what do you think all those other boxes are. Maybe controllers for light power? Maybe you can set sunrise and sunset? time on and off?
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