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Well first time I had used a peat pellet to germinate my blue mystic auto.

This time I used the classical 'saturated paper towel' method, and decided this time to give the bottle of superthrive I had laying around a try. Mixed 1-2 drops per 250ml distilled water, saturated the paper towel, stuck in a tupperware container over my router for a bit of warmth. I did this lastnight at 8pm, checked this morning for any progress, checked at 7am, annnnnd this:

*Amnesia Haze Auto*

Might be my new method for seed germination. :D
BTW i am using my cities chlorinated tap water with my current grow and my plants are loving it.
First time i used tap because of chlorine talk on forums.
Might run straight distilled for the last week or two.
och aye mate i dont get the fuss over purified water iether. to be fair though my tap water is only 58ppm. 3 times less than volvic wich is 170ppm or so. i leave it out for 24 hours to let most of the chlorine evapourate though.
So it has been 25 hours since I've had my last cigarette. I decided to quit cold turkey. ( @budelee we talked about it and now I'm doing it) 6 years to long...

The anxiety and shakiness and restlessness is kicking in. I have dabs to keep the majority of the edge off... And I have joints rolled and ready for when I get a serious urge and need to feel like smoking a cig I smoke a jay.

I woke up fine but right after my breakfast it started to hit me.

I'm going to incorporate more workouts. As a ex-smoker (yeah that's right) I even hated the idea of a cig after getting ripped so I hope it's the same in the retrospective that I'm quitting .
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