I like the hangin method especially in winter. imho the bag method is excellent when its warmer and RH is up with temp like now. always works for me to help gas off better. maybe its me but I find a difference but Im stating to tinker with various methods now and will over the winter for a more definitive method for myself. I hear decent thing about bag dryying though.
imho the auto has four distinct stages of growth and skipping veg is accurate really since from the seedling stage to actual veg time if you will is about 2 weeks LOL from the delicate seedling stage to the first flowring or pistils popping out hard its still considered veg but with the lovely auto form of fuzzy veg i suppose with them pistils. so imho there is only roughly a 2 week interval from the larger sapling to the first pistils popping. so its technically flowering yet its still in a veg and stretch state. which behaves like veg certainly but having to be careful of the balance of foods and light for a flowering state it also develops. so its a delicate dance unless your fully organic then there is far more less to worry about. aint high yet I dont think I rambled LOL! hope thats helpful. thats my taske on it aywhooo. happy harvesting man.