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So it has been 25 hours since I've had my last cigarette. I decided to quit cold turkey. ( @budelee we talked about it and now I'm doing it) 6 years to long...

The anxiety and shakiness and restlessness is kicking in. I have dabs to keep the majority of the edge off... And I have joints rolled and ready for when I get a serious urge and need to feel like smoking a cig I smoke a jay.

I woke up fine but right after my breakfast it started to hit me.
Awesome bro!!! You can do it!!!:bump: I know you can.. its been since march 30 on the ciggs.. sad part,aug 4 since i quit thc:frowny:
Awesome bro!!! You can do it!!!:bump: I know you can.. its been since march 30 on the ciggs.. sad part,aug 4 since i quit thc:frowny:

That's awesome brother God for you! Thanks dude it's gonna be rough for a bit but once these two weeks go by It should be alright. How long was the anxiety kicking ur ass for ?

what was the reason for quitting thc ?
Hey folks, back from holidays ! started a new growth in sweed seed section , and i will start a sendiseed ( hyrdroponic) very soon , stay tuned ;)
Kiss all, have a nice fuking day !!!
That's awesome brother God for you! Thanks dude it's gonna be rough for a bit but once these two weeks go by It should be alright. How long was the anxiety kicking ur ass for ?

what was the reason for quitting thc ?
Well bro, it subsides pretty quick but my cicumstances for quitting were non-negotiable!! They did give me the patch for a bit, but once i was able to go full bore with canna, the ciggs were never a thought, there is still two smokers in the house, so theres still times I struggle, it just doesnt appeal to me as much.. now when you consider i quit drinking alcohol over 21 yrs ago, you will see what a boring life i have( kidding on that part) life is great!!!
So it has been 25 hours since I've had my last cigarette. I decided to quit cold turkey. ( @budelee we talked about it and now I'm doing it) 6 years to long...

The anxiety and shakiness and restlessness is kicking in. I have dabs to keep the majority of the edge off... And I have joints rolled and ready for when I get a serious urge and need to feel like smoking a cig I smoke a jay.

I woke up fine but right after my breakfast it started to hit me.

I'm going to incorporate more workouts. As a ex-smoker (yeah that's right) I even hated the idea of a cig after getting ripped so I hope it's the same in the retrospective that I'm quitting .

Is there anything cannabis can't do? Good luck buddy im going to quit next week:face:
So it has been 25 hours since I've had my last cigarette. I decided to quit cold turkey. ( @budelee we talked about it and now I'm doing it) 6 years to long...

The anxiety and shakiness and restlessness is kicking in. I have dabs to keep the majority of the edge off... And I have joints rolled and ready for when I get a serious urge and need to feel like smoking a cig I smoke a jay.

I woke up fine but right after my breakfast it started to hit me.

I'm going to incorporate more workouts. As a ex-smoker (yeah that's right) I even hated the idea of a cig after getting ripped so I hope it's the same in the retrospective that I'm quitting .
One week is all it takes to benefit . . By some mints . Every time you crave eat one or carrot sticks . It gets you past the craving and reminds why your quitting . If you quit before you should no the rewards of quitting but reward yourself while your quitting . GOOD LUCK . :thumbsup:
Well bro, it subsides pretty quick but my cicumstances for quitting were non-negotiable!! They did give me the patch for a bit, but once i was able to go full bore with canna, the ciggs were never a thought, there is still two smokers in the house, so theres still times I struggle, it just doesnt appeal to me as much.. now when you consider i quit drinking alcohol over 21 yrs ago, you will see what a boring life i have( kidding on that part) life is great!!!
Did Your sex life improve ?????? :cooldance:
with the brown paper bag method whats ideal temp/RH of the room they can stay in? i plan on going this route and just hanging them all up in the closet in the brown bags of the same room i grow in, to contain smell mostly. how long do you generally keep them in the bags before putting in jars to cure?
@Cotton46 got a link to what you were reading? can pm me if its off another forum thats not allowed here would love to read up more on it.
Then just go the the one that says drying in brown bag!!!! It's all good read now I'm familiar with pops22 way he does it exactly like my old unkle did!!! Hope this helps you bro it's all good information
And I only read on AFN there's enough here to keep me reading hahahaha
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