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GWK :smoker1:


Conveniently located too..Now you can take a crap, browse AFN and watch your plants all at the same time.
"Oh man, that is some good shit!":crying:

Out of zigzags?....
I’m definitely gonna need a speed selector before my next grow! My in-line pulls out way too much humidity. It’s been a stable 75 degrees Fahrenheit with an Rh of 40% now for oh 2-3 hours. Which is fine for now but when I go to start my test run imma need that Rh up to about 60-65%.

I wonder if putting a bowl of water near your intake would help that?
Most definitely bro! I already started a prelude to my next grow journal. It’s located in my signature along with my current journal.

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thats weird. doesnt let me see your journals as ive not go tapatalk. first time thats happened : ( @Mossy are you aware of this?
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