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[QUOTE="Dudeski, post: 1627780, member: 33150"
Need some more bush flashing![/QUOTE]
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But i can say. Id bet. Using a big res and ppm. I would save a ton on nutes and some cash. My 10 gal girl drinks a friggin ton. Still drinking a ton on her final days
I think you are all making good points. I am asking mainly because I am gonna setup a 50 gallon drum. I'm coming up with ways to utilize it. Either gravity feeding plain water, or nute mix. Or if it would be better to go with buckets instead of 27 gallon totes. In the end, I'll probly just keep doing what Im doin for a bit more.
Also. I don't change res. I mix up nutes and keep my res topped off.
Can't wait to see the full root mass on the big girl.

And i am curious as to how it works.
My theory is bigger basket is a key part. Wider root spread to send out more taps.
Wait, so in the entire life cycle you don't change your res at all? You just add nutes and adjust as needed? You don't seem to run into any strange lock outs or PH fluctuations? Do you feed any enzymes as a cleanser? I've always been fascinated by the concept of never changing reservoirs in hydro. I've seen it done a few times with reasonable success and every time it blows me away.
Logically speaking, I would assume that the non bio-available salts would eventually build up over time raising the electrical conductivity of your water "taking up seats" on your water's "commuter train" if you will.... If the good seats are full of immobile salts, then there is less room on the train over time for the good salts to occupy. LOGICALLY over time this would cause certain good minerals or salts to get locked out of the train and not be able to get a ride up your plants phloem to do it's job. Unfortunately, sometimes nature likes to defy logic and turn everything we think we know upside down.
Well gentlemen.... I just used a commuter train as metaphor to the water in a DWC bucket. I am fucking stoned.... :woohoo1:
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