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morning stoners! i smoked the worste tastin bit of weed ive ever had last night. buds smelled like dirt and the smoke tasted like dirt. i asked him and he said it was indeed soil grown. whats happened to it? is that a result of over flushing or not flushing? any soil guys had this before?
I guess it depends on what you're trying to get.. What we call "shwag" or "dirt" is usually $30-50 an ounce around here, seeds, sticks, bugs, hair, whatever else they throw in there for weight... For middies or mid-grades, anywhere from $60-100/O and that usually has a few seeds but the buds look like buds and aren't "smuggled brick" shaped.. Good bud is usually $120-260/O now, since it became legal (In Massachusetts, home of the rebellion) but before could have been in upwards of $450/O, so in short.. For you to get the kind of bud represented on this site, you'd be looking at $200+ range.. After quick conversion, a little over 100pnd.. Not sure what you guys are paying, but I had heard it can be a bit more than that..
ahh see, its just one price for all round here. £200-£240 straight from the grower regardless of quality. i get 1800 for 10 and thats about as cheap as it gets. if you get caught though your full stash gets valued at 12.50-15 a gram cos thats what it costs for a single on the street. so, if id got caught with my last plant on chop day while it was still wet, although we generally get off with 1 plant here an arsehole judge couldve charged me with possesion of 20 grand worth of weed! when in reality it was worth no more than 3. its fucked up like. happened to my mate a few year back. busted a few hours after he finished trimming and got charged for havin 10k worth of trim. in what fuckin world can you sell leaves and stalks for 350 an oz? you get a hundred grand a year to enforce the law and thats your sense of logic. clearly worth every penny i pay in tax towards your wages eh.
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