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morning stoners! i smoked the worste tastin bit of weed ive ever had last night. buds smelled like dirt and the smoke tasted like dirt. i asked him and he said it was indeed soil grown. whats happened to it? is that a result of over flushing or not flushing? any soil guys had this before?

The brick weed we used to get back in the 80's, run up over the southern boarder did, but that's cause they'd chop it and leave it to dry in the dirt...

My guess is it was in the dry and cure that it gained the smell and taste.
How was the potency?
ahh see, its just one price for all round here. £200-£240 straight from the grower regardless of quality. i get 1800 for 10 and thats about as cheap as it gets. if you get caught though your full stash gets valued at 12.50-15 a gram cos thats what it costs for a single on the street. so, if id got caught with my last plant on chop day while it was still wet, although we generally get off with 1 plant here an arsehole judge couldve charged me with possesion of 20 grand worth of weed! when in reality it was worth no more than 3. its fucked up like. happened to my mate a few year back. busted a few hours after he finished trimming and got charged for havin 10k worth of trim. in what fuckin world can you sell leaves and stalks for 350 an oz? you get a hundred grand a year to enforce the law and thats your sense of logic. clearly worth every penny i pay in tax towards your wages eh.

That suuuuuuuucks!!! They do something similar here where if you are caught with it in an illegal state, they measure EVERYTHING to include the vessel its in, so if you had 1gm in a large mason jar, you're probably getting charged with an ounce or 2, simply because of what it was in.. So naturally, I started carrying my bud in plastic bags when I'm out and about because even in a legal state, they can fuck with you..
The brick weed we used to get back in the 80's, run up over the southern boarder did, but that's cause they'd chop it and leave it to dry in the dirt...

My guess is it was in the dry and cure that it gained the smell and taste.
How was the potency?
potency was not bad to be fair and it looked fantastic. just tasted and smelled of mud lol i was so confused
Good afternoon 1939bear, and good afternoon everybody else aswell.

Is it someone going to the spannabis next year? I think i will give it a go. Is there anyone been there before?
Good Morning Stoners
Something to read over your morning coffee , tea or whatever you consume at this time of day , morning evening etc .

10 Famous Stoner Quotes That Will Leave You Feeling Inspire


From a stalwart of comedy to the icons of reggae and even the leader of the free world, it seems the stereotype of a stoner doesn’t exist outside of the cinema, as these legends prove. While some of these people are known for other quotes, which live on in recordings that are listened to by millions each and every day, you might be surprised – and, when it comes to some, not too surprised – to learn that your favorite herb can lead to some inspiring words, which come from artists, politicians and MMA color commentators alike.

1. Bob Marley

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When you smoke herb, it reveals you to yourself.

2. Barack Obama

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When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point.

3. Louis Armstrong

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[it] makes you forget all the bad things that happen to a Negro. It makes you feel wanted, and when you’re with another tea smoker, it makes you feel a special kinship.

4. Joe Rogan

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People say you can abuse marijuana. Well shit, you can abuse cheeseburgers too, you know? You don‘t go around closing Burger King because you can abuse something.

5. Terence McKenna

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If the words ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.

6. Henry Ford

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Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?

7. Steve Martin (SNL skit)

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I used to smoke marijuana. But I’ll tell you something: I would only smoke it in the late evening. Oh, occasionally the early evening, but usually the late evening – or the mid-evening. Just the early evening, mid-evening and late evening. Occasionally, early afternoon, early mid-afternoon, or perhaps the late mid-afternoon. Oh, sometimes the early-mid-late-early-morning…But never at dusk.

8. Carl Sagan

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The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship, so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.

9. Willie Nelson

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The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.

10. Peter Tosh

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I don’t smoke marijuana, man. Marijuana is a girl from Cuba…Ganja…is a bird from Australia, I smoke herb.

Canada Wants To Impose The Dumbest Marijuana Law In History

A woman smokes marijuana on Parliament Hill on 4/20 in Ottawa,Canada, Photo by: Lars Hagberg/AFP/Getty Images)
As the Canadian federal government prepares to legalize cannabis across the country, enthusiasts and entrepreneurs from province to province are keeping their eyes on the laws tied to the good herb. The final legislation is expected to drop in 2018, but it isn’t impossible to get an early feeling of how they’ll shake out.

Unsurprisingly, British Columbia is expected to have some of the most flexible laws in the country, provincial politicians hinting that their initial rules won’t be as standardized as other provinces. Just as unsurprisingly, Ontario’s rules are looking the NARC-iest, with sales being limited to Crown corporation chains like the LCBO, rueing chaos for the dispensaries that opened as rapidly as they closed. But as far as the nitty gritty goes, leave it to the Maritimers to find the weirdest way to enforce Canadian cannabis.

“For people here in New Brunswick who have guns in their houses, it’s locked,” said New Brunswick’s Justice and Public and Safety Minister Denis Landry. “It’s their responsibility. This will be the same thing.”

Under the proposed laws, New Brunswick’s marijuana users can carry up to 30 grams of unsealed cannabis along with the rest of the country. When they put the pot down at home, however, the province is requiring owners to keep their stash in a locked location. Perhaps in a small lockbox, or in one of those hidden safes behind the antique portrait of your Great Uncle Otis.


Photo by Gilles Mingasson/Getty Images
Comparing a joint on the table to a gun is a steep comparison for the province to make.
A bong tipping onto the floor will spill rank water everywhere. An improperly stored gun toppling over can fire a bullet. It’s a ‘think of the children’ sort of legislature, but a kid getting their hands on a baggie could never wreak the kind of danger as a kid finding a gun. Guns have inched their way into the third leading cause of child death stateside, many being from improperly stored firearms.

How the province plans to enforce such a rule has been vague, barring anything short of x-ray vision. One cause of concern is the legal backdoor it leaves open for petty busts. East Coasters, if someone arrives at your door with a weed inspector t-shirt on, do your best to make sure they’re the real deal I guess.

Benoît Bourque, the province’s health minister, says that this rule isn’t necessarily for enforcement purposes, but more of a guideline. “It creates awareness,” says Bourque, “and just awareness in itself is a good step forward for people to understand we are serious about keeping children and youth safe and having those products out of their hands.”

There will be some inevitable confusion and confliction as Canada transitions into a pot-selling nation. The Conservative party may attempt to push legal cannabis back even further, moving the goal post, they say, to help authorities prepare. When marijuana comes in, hopefully in 2018, it may be coming in hot. If you’re in New Brunswick and plan to follow the province’s laws, for the love of god, don’t forget your lock’s combination.


I Love some of the comments

Jay Pratt ·
Gouverneur Junior - Senior High School
The dumbest marijuana law in history was making it illegal in the first place. Other than that, do they have to lock up their alcohol, knives, baseball bats, or even peanut butter, (allergies), for that matter? These are all more dangerous than marijuana.
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