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Little bottom nug action getting some color..Been letting the temps stay at about 67-68 F Day and night as they ride out their last days..Humidity 36-44% depending on whether I just watered or not..

in that case im game mate. what you growin in? lets get it sorted! ive still not sorted my shit out from last grow. got half dead bits of fuckin plants everywhere. both res still full of water too. im scared to go up itll be absolutely reekin once i disturb the water. one of ems been there 2 months!! gotta get it done before sunday though or im losing another week so aye man go for it. you wanna start a thread and tag me up : ) quality : )

Nice one @EvilScotsman ... I shall get a thread started and tag ya when I'm done.
Little bottom nug action getting some color..Been letting the temps stay at about 67-68 F Day and night as they ride out their last days..Humidity 36-44% depending on whether I just watered or not..

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Looks nice Bro ✌️ and why you leaving the temps like this?
Looks nice Bro ✌️ and why you leaving the temps like this?

From my experience it aids with tighter nugs and the color is sometimes a bonus..My intentions for the lower temps though are bud density..Plus temps have dropped crazy low in my area but with like a week +1 or 2 days left of growing, I'm not stressing..Sure at lower temps the plant stresses and phos uptake is decreased, but you're talking like 60 and below..68 is a comfortable setting for the end of flowering.. certainly better than 80 +..I've been there in the past,especially with HPS..Fluffy and airy.
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