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That's why I find it very important if your gonna grow in non-legal state, to keep a very low profile...Even to your best-est of friends, it take's only one to talk..that starts the entire domino effect...Plus really if your gonna grow in non-legal state, you can't sell it either or throw away anything that has to do with cannabis...You always need take precautions...the way I see it, it's very vary hard to get caught if you tell no-one...If nothing can be seen or smelled, really the only three things are loose lips & grow being noticed or smelled or sold..well, that's my take on it anyways...

Theirs a not even a handful of people who know I’m growing and they’re all ride or die people. My ol lady, my dad and my best friend of 27 years who I’ve done dirt with, rode with and spent time in the Klink with because neither of us would rat. Any and all of my clippings get burnt in the burn pile, soils get dumped in the pasture, and if there’s a smell... well I live in the sticks must be a skunk around either dead or spraying so any funk of that nature around here everyone is accustomed to because they think there’s a skunk nearby not to mention everyones land has cannabis growing either by nature or by being placed there hell both my neighbors are always on their land yanking plants up one of em yanks the males and lets the females grow til harvest and he’ll start over the next year. Animals and birds are always dropping seeds so canna grows wild near my parts and all the sheriffs know it I’ve had one come up on me while I was burning the pasture we conversed he seen my plants growing asked me about it I told him I’ve been seeing it all over my land and I’ve been burning everything I see haven’t seen him since and that’s been 2 years. Gotta love country living lol

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Theirs a not even a handful of people who know I’m growing and they’re all ride or die people. My ol lady, my dad and my best friend of 27 years who I’ve done dirt with, rode with and spent time in the Klink with because neither of us would rat. Any and all of my clippings get burnt in the burn pile, soils get dumped in the pasture, and if there’s a smell... well I live in the sticks must be a skunk around either dead or spraying so any funk of that nature around here everyone is accustomed to because they think there’s a skunk nearby not to mention everyones land has cannabis growing either by nature or by being placed there hell both my neighbors are always on their land yanking plants up one of em yanks the males and lets the females grow til harvest and he’ll start over the next year. Animals and birds are always dropping seeds so canna grows wild near my parts and all the sheriffs know it I’ve had one come up on me while I was burning the pasture we conversed he seen my plants growing asked me about it I told him I’ve been seeing it all over my land and I’ve been burning everything I see haven’t seen him since and that’s been 2 years. Gotta love country living lol

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That is epic! lol
It would be nice, in the process of "making it look better" if we were given a list of what's been eliminated,what's been moved to another category, and WHERE you put it! Its getting really annoying hunting for things we've used as references and now can't find them!
@Unique - even in a legal state i believe its just as important to hold a low profile...sure the cops arent coming...but would it be worse if they came, or some a-hole with a pistol looking to rob you!!
oh hey I 100% agree to always lay low.. it's not just cops to worry about, ya got thief's as well, them just as bad as the cops.
@Unique - even in a legal state i believe its just as important to hold a low profile...sure the cops arent coming...but would it be worse if they came, or some a-hole with a pistol looking to rob you!!

Amen, that's 100% on-point. A tremendous amount of people have a serious "F you" attitude about marijuana even in Colorado.
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