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Not dead, and back to growing.
Oh, yeah, blind as a freacking bat:smoking:
I'll never stop making meds. Missd you all so bad :bighug:(Rosa is helping me here :)

Hey Red and Rosa. Welcome back Red. I hope it's gonna heal and you get the sight back. Git to growin and keep 'em green.
That's why I find it very important if your gonna grow in non-legal state, to keep a very low profile...Even to your best-est of friends, it take's only one to talk..that starts the entire domino effect...Plus really if your gonna grow in non-legal state, you can't sell it either or throw away anything that has to do with cannabis...You always need take precautions...the way I see it, it's very vary hard to get caught if you tell no-one...If nothing can be seen or smelled, really the only three things are loose lips & grow being noticed or smelled or sold..well, that's my take on it anyways...
I was gutted this morning, the majority of my mystery photo girl has moved down the road, and I'll be religated to the crap pile.... the genetics of the mystery girl gone forever, so fruity, so sweet and stony....

Wait... what's this? 1 seed? Yep... 1 I believe this is the universe telling me I need these genetics....View attachment 823879
could that lone seed be the silver lining?
could that lone seed be the silver lining?
It could be! Am hoping, since I tend to run long, that she selfed...had no seeds anywhere else in the garden... think I'll hang on till my indoor is set up and then see what I've got under more controlled circumstances.

Oh canna gods, I come on bended knee...
sobriety has it's time and place
this ain't one of them
cheers live stoners
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