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Good day All. I must have really done it last night. I had the bed to myself till sometime after the sun came up. It really sucks when you have to rely on
help and then you go off and screw it up. Guess it will take a few days to blow over. So how is everyone else been doing?

@Unique - even in a legal state i believe its just as important to hold a low profile...sure the cops arent coming...but would it be worse if they came, or some a-hole with a pistol looking to rob you!!
I think you really should lay low legal or non-legal states, I even take labels off prescription bottles ya never know who's going through your garbage...Even if I smoke with friends I NEVER take the credit for it, even if they say dude, this is some breaking bad type shit.... I just kinda smile,nod & agree...:pass:
Really its not just a plant...its medicine for masses. Even people that don't use it for physical problems, still use it for medicine for the soul. Weed makes this world a kinder, more loving place.....maybe thats what they DON'T want??
They want to control everything. Not do whats right to help the people.
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