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Definitely a Chevy guy. I will nvr buy another Ford, my three experiences with Ford have all been terrible. I love my truck, her name is Barley. Her first life was as a Washington State horse and straw hauler. 88 1 ton (non-dually) C3500 Silverado. I just put a crate engine in her last Spring, and she's getting a fancy paint job now too. She is almost fully restored.

A lot of people think I'm nuts for putting the money into it. It is hard to insure, because it's not collectable. But the work it does cannot be replaced by newer trucks for anywhere near the lower cost of restoration.
I have a Chevy I keep it serviced I also had a couple Ford's lol but my Chevy I would take off going anywhere in her she is dependable I need to put more money in her but dam she so far has needed much of anything just gas and oil lol in my opinion Chevy is like a good bag of skunk you can not get better just the Chevy's last longer than the skunk
Sup guys here some baby bud porn from my current grow. First time I've ever had one get this far. A vs T 53 days old

Man I just thought mine was starting to get a small amount of frost! Yours looks like a Fuking snow blizzard ✌️ nice grow man there look perfect!

Thank you man ✌️A little over 2 weeks and they should be coming down..Time to break out the rubbing alcohol.
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