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I could have covered them anytime, I was just waiting for a few things to fall in line first. Like a divorce! etc... I'm almost back on track.
Call your county ag agent. He should be able to let you know what is working most effectively in your region.

I should, just to let them know how bad it is. I'm following a multiple approach no holds barred attack on these bastards. They were not bad last year, just a few. This infestation might require spraying through the summer. Which sucks, and I will absolutely be getting a less toxic spray. I have several already, I am going to get some spinosad next.
If you can it would be good to touch base with him. His response will tell you alot about your local Ag agent. These kids of things often boil over from residential and commercial properties into Ag fields and can be a real challenge. Knowing you are wrestling with an outbreak will give them the ability to build it into the bigger picture.

Or he may well just scratch his arse, patronize you over the phone for 2 minutes, mention his wife's book for sale online, and then go to lunch at Taco Hell.
Doc! You are a great person for this question. Can you recommend a insecticide regime for severe peach tree borers?
thats like STELLAR stuff.prices are a bit rough round the edges,but the slection and QUALITY of the matwerials is second to maybe one or so places.but its up there is top notch imho. ole brother DubV turned me onto them a cpl years ago now or longer and they have treated me well.
I love to pay more. That sounds weird but it isn't. I am very frugal but when you deal with businesses that give you their best and know their product and topic I want to reward those late nights of reading and study not to mention the years of constant upkeep on industry trends. Those guys deserve my business.
@green genes, I'm curious... That series of ions under your name, does it mean anything? It looks like a reactivity series. :)

It is a summation of cations used to calculate Cation Exchange Capacity in soil profiles.
oh me too. I dont shell out a lotta cash unless I know the person making it like Luke at tea Labs and Build a soil. just awesome quality and solidly producing products.

ohhhh wow,ok yeah I understand. Life does get in the way certainly. LOL:D sorry to hear bro. hope you get back on track soonest too broseph. :)
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