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hey 9bear, do you need this:

Geez I don't even know the difference between jpeg and raw . Thanks Feenix I swear you need a degree in engineering to understand these DSLR' s . The truth this camera is way over my head . Canon 5D Mark lll . :shrug:
There is really something wrong with me. I read this and thought to my self "what breed? Well I'm pretty sure she's human just like the good doctor..."

IF the Good Dr Babnik is a shrink perhaps is should schedule a visit...
Dr. Babnik is a bioogist. Unfortunately, I cannot write prescriptions.
The part I like in that sentence is the part where you said "I like to think". I wish more people would try this unusual time consuming process. Highly recommended. In my corner of the world we are trying to legislate that out of eistance.
Thinking !! Way overrated Pudd but necessary when I want to get home . :biggrin:
Ok, if you are watering overhead, instead of at soil level, that will cause that. High humidity and low wind will do that. Can get that from watering at night.

Ways to stop bud rot:(im sure there are more)

Water in the morning. Tests actually show increased yield if you water 1/3 around noon, and another 1/3 every hour or two)

Do not water the canopy, especially at night.

prune up the plant from the ground as it grows, make sure there is plenty of air flow under and through the canopy.

Before you plant, prepare the soil with an organic fungicide and let it dry out.

Make sure you plants are spaced well, to increase air flow.

Brilliant mate, i really appreciate what sounds like excellent advice!
Running out of coffee is what got me into roasting my own. Never happened since.

That Aeropress is the absolute bee's knees. I fell in love with mine when I used to backpack. Hard to describe how good an outstanding cup of hot coffee tastes on a frosty morning in the back country. I know all you Alaska guys laugh at that because you just walk out the front door every morning and have that eperience. But for us semi urban types those moments come few and precious.
If I had the space, I would consider a home roaster. I have roasted s few times in the oven. The taste was ok, but almost no aroma from the ground coffee.
Dr. Babnik is a bioogist. Unfortunately, I cannot write prescriptions.
Thats OK sir I have the Med part covered nicely. :smoking:

Never made it past a Bachelors but I came out of the Ag end of one of those universitee thingees myself. Just stopped at the red light while passing through town and they threw one in the car window. They tried to throw in a Masters at the second window but I had the A/C on and the windows up. :biggrin:
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