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Yeah without a couple strong backs handy a 60 hp is weight! I'll let ya know if it works. got running water now, yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, with luck it will run for 3&1/2 months.
Running water, nice...pretty luxurious I know how much it means lol.
250 pounds probably yep too much to lift. We use the hoist over at the fish dock, just throw a sling around it.
Day 40 :thumbsup: Indica pheno

Morning [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] ..........sharing one............:pass:..........pass it along...............

[HASHTAG]#afnnightshift[/HASHTAG] stand down............:salute:..Thank you for looking after [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] :love:

Coffee and joints in the EU lounge.....


Save me a seat on the sofa.......and don't forget to empty the ashtray.........:headbang:

Whenever our Glorious Leader............She who must not be disobeyed...............the wonderful Mother of AFN, ie @Mossy pops into Live Stoners, it cheers me and no doubt you chums, right up.

She is Geordie, a pin up in the Fork Truck Calendar 1997, and very funny. I think we should start a petition to force a daily visit from the Gaffer to LS. Who say aye ? little Tripe Hound @epenguin .........................:nono:............give me more work...why don't you......?......

How's about..I will if you are on the same time zone....we could do the Europe Golden Oldie spot...

an hour of mirth and music. :kiss:
[HASHTAG]#mothernaturesgifts[/HASHTAG] ..reasons to be cheerful...part 3


A set of self germ tomato starts in with the banana............and a self seeded borage............for Free..............:headbang:


overwintered chillies.......

I tried 2 winters to keep the chilli mothers going and failed..
last year I left them to it and some survived..............:biggrin:.........I Think the weeds protected them from the worst weather.....:d5:..........bonus........:headbang:


I've got chillies on them already...and the name tags stayed in I know who they are...:biggrin: Counting Blessings...:pass:

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