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Shhhh....guerrilla grow..Tyrone Stomper. Started in a solo cup. Dug hole put in organic soil and plopped her in, cup and all. Gave her a good watering with megacrop. Hope she makes it...can't look at her until next week.

That's probably the bastard that ate half of my veggie crops. I asked him about it and of course he just looked at his watch, muttered something about being late, and scurried away.

Make sure you say "Hey buddy, no hard feelings", just as you sit down to a meal of rabbit stew!
they make a tasty stew!
Agreed with you and @912GreenSkell on that one

I don't want to fire off any guns this close to the house, though. I'd put a trap out for it, but pretty much anything might be in that trap the next morning.
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