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Yeah I'd be interested. I like what you've said about the catch up videos too. Tight budget at the minute, but I don't know how things will be once it's organised, as I can't imagine it'd get done overnight.

We'd be looking around Q1 or Q2 of 2019 for it.
Yeah I'd be interested. I like what you've said about the catch up videos too. Tight budget at the minute, but I don't know how things will be once it's organised, as I can't imagine it'd get done overnight.
I have no idea what that is dude i wont be able to host haha but I would help!!......if you can?:shrug:
good affynoon/eve live stoners!

gardener's pile O gold....
stoner's snowy summit


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looking for leaf:rofl:
That's probably the bastard that ate half of my veggie crops. I asked him about it and of course he just looked at his watch, muttered something about being late, and scurried away.
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