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Happy Birthday to you @9bear
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I hate going to the dentist..I think the worst part is being in the chair with your mouth open for so long..It's like bro, can I breathe for a minute? Your lips dry out lol
I hate going to the dentist..I think the worst part is being in the chair with your mouth open for so long..It's like bro, can I breathe for a minute? Your lips dry out lol
One daughter is having cavity filled and other is having 2 teeth pulled. Should be a fun experience.
One daughter is having cavity filled and other is having 2 teeth pulled. Should be a fun experience.

Oh yeah, lucky you huh? I had one wisdom tooth pulled..Wasn't the worst thing ever, it just bleeds like a bitch for a good amount of time and your mouth keeps pooling up with blood..The capper was when I went for a root canal and they had to put a rubber dental dam over my mouth and they had someone fresh out of school do it..She squeezed the clamp to get it around the tooth and it shot back and hit a tooth I already had a composite filling in and cracked it..Yeah I hate going to the dentist.
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