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I live in such a high crime area, we actually smoke right in front of them, they don't blink an eye:smoking:


Because of laws changing so fast here and the fact that Senators are preparing a Bill for presentation to the House Senate for recreational legalization across the entire Country, they seem to care less over here. My city voted for legalizing but the city law director says he won't follow that. He says he will prosecute under ?State Law. Funny crap going on!
Morning Stoners


7 week old Dutch Passion Think Big.... doing well, 4 weeks to go....

Think Big 7.jpg

Think Big 6.jpg


Because of laws changing so fast here and the fact that Senators are preparing a Bill for presentation to the House Senate for recreational legalization across the entire Country, they seem to care less over here. My city voted for legalizing but the city law director says he won't follow that. He says he will prosecute under ?State Law. Funny crap going on!
That's pretty funny.
Unless you get busted in a super small town around here, They don't care a whole lot. Get busted in a small town, and they'll treat you like you're Pablo f@cking Escobar.
I've walked down the street smoking a fattie, and the only person who seemed to care were the hookers that wanted to toke.
Yeah water with a 6 foot lightning rod not a good idea:biggrin:


I have done some dumb things when fishing and no tournament bass fisherman whether in an aluminum boat or not will not stop trying to get that extra cast at a fish just because some electric bolt is seeking you out for a thrill or maybe worse! :naughtystep::naughtystep::naughtystep:

They all become stupid just for $$ :poof:
Harvesting these two Ak s in a couple of days expect to get 2-3oz each plant. other plant is Girl scout cookies, absolute monster of a plant picture is at day 30 Sorry about picture quality

I have done some dumb things when fishing and no tournament bass fisherman whether in an aluminum boat or not will not stop trying to get that extra cast at a fish just because some electric bolt is seeking you out for a thrill or maybe worse! :naughtystep::naughtystep::naughtystep:

They all become stupid just for $$ :poof:

Speaking of stupid:
I was in a catfish tournament as a teenager.
I had the perfect, deep hole that contained a lot of huge channel cats, That you had to be part goat to get down to because of how steep the hillside is.
An hour into the tournament, quarter size hail starts coming down. (This was before the day of the smartphone, So I had to rely on my own "nature reading skills"...Whiiiiccchh were absolutely terrible at the time.)
I just leaned back against a big ol' sycamore for cover, and kept on fishing...
...until lightning hit the railroad trestle 10 yards upstream from me.
The ultrabright flash, and eardrum shattering noise was all I was going to take... I flew up that hillside in less time than it took me to get down it, and sat in my car until the light show was over.
I slid down the muddy hillside to where my pole was shattered and spread in a perfect circle aound where it once stood.
I pulled in my line by hand, to reveal what, Before the storm, would have won me the tournament and $1000 pot.
Big ass, DEAD shovelhead.
Needless to say, I don't fish in or right before storms anymore haha
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