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I ended up trying some in some Earl Grey this morning and it was NOT good. I dunno..probably didn't help that I'm not a big tea fan to begin with. Maybe with the right tea it would work, but Earl Grey ain't it. :smoking:


Yea earl Gray is nasty stuff ,,, get some yorshire tea :coffee: I think @archie gemmill might be starting a line of teas :thumbsup:
:crying: some people happy to pay top dollar for anything :d5:

I was looking at the pictures of what they did and they literally stick it in a ziplock bag. It's verbatim the paper-towel method, just a more "eco-friendly" paper I guess. I was hoping for like a "light nutrient saturated" paper that would just dissolve as the taproot goes through it. That would be something. But I don't think that's this.
I was looking at the pictures of what they did and they literally stick it in a ziplock bag. It's verbatim the paper-towel method, just a more "eco-friendly" paper I guess. I was hoping for like a "light nutrient saturated" paper that would just dissolve as the taproot goes through it. That would be something. But I don't think that's this.

I should start selling shot glasses full of water. ($40)

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