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Thinking about growing outdoors.

Is there anyone that just puts beans down without amending the soil? Would this work?

And then just keep pushing her down with say green or black fencing to keep her short?

Curious on ways I might be able to be stealthy? :gary:
@912GreenSkell would be the one to ask
Morning folks.
Wife lost her job yesterday... Shitty weather this morning... Man, I think I'm just gonna stay inside and toke all day.
On a cool side note... Wrote a new song yesterday. You can definitely tell Dark Throne and Death are influential on my guitar playing... Everything I've written lately has either been black metal or blackened death metal. Not that I mind. Unless it comes to finding people to jam with. Then... Well, then I may as well rig up my laptop, andngive a one man band scenario a go haha.
Thinking about growing outdoors.

Is there anyone that just puts beans down without amending the soil? Would this work?

And then just keep pushing her down with say green or black fencing to keep her short?

Curious on ways I might be able to be stealthy? :gary:
I'd just make sure you used an auto, That way if the cops show up you can explain it's a smaller plant that's only for personal use.
I'd just make sure you used an auto, That way if the cops show up you can explain it's a smaller plant that's only for personal use.
@E Grower
From what I've gathered, cops would basically take one look at you, And just give you your $100 ticket. I'll pm you a page from norml that explains penalties for getting busted in this region. Basically follows the same route as a simple possession charge.
@Dichoti Good Morning grobro, sorry about the wife. Same weather here thunderstorms coming, think Ill do the same thing,
I was planning on fishing today, But with the lightning that ain't happening... Not a fan of electro shock fishing...
@E Grower
From what I've gathered, cops would basically take one look at you, And just give you your $100 ticket. I'll pm you a page from norml that explains penalties for getting busted in this region. Basically follows the same route as a simple possession charge.


Appreciatte it Brother. :d5:
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