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They mix it with Jack daniels:rofl:

I like mint sauce with cold beef :shrug:
You're lucky I like you, because to me that's just as weird LOL! But if you like it, good for you. I'm all about people doing what they like - job-wise, food-wise, lifestyle-wise! As long as it brings you pleasure and happiness :bighug:
Yea lol the climate here isn't the main attraction:smoking: I'm attracted to the lack of van massacres :crying:

Ya.... That waffle house shooting was way too close for comfort.

But I'm where I am because of global warming primarily. This is the place to make a stand. I am safe from almost all natural disasters, have abundant water, good soil, and the protection of mountains on one side and a fertile plateau on the other. This is where the Cherokee survived the last climactic upheaval.
A lot of the 'hard work" aspect of it is tough but for me it's easier than dealing with life in a more civilized place. I'm not exactly a 'people person'
I wish I can live like you bro but I am a pussy when it comes to hard work.
I am thinking of moving to Thailand or Vietnam in a few years live out in the country side, there I can pay people to do all the hard work for me.
I wish I can live like you bro but I am a pussy when it comes to hard work.
I am thinking of moving to Thailand or Vietnam in a few years live out in the country side, there I can pay people to do all the hard work for me.

Get me a job with you pal ,,,,:smoking:
Ya.... That waffle house shooting was way too close for comfort.

But I'm where I am because of global warming primarily. This is the place to make a stand. I am safe from almost all natural disasters, have abundant water, good soil, and the protection of mountains on one side and a fertile plateau on the other. This is where the Cherokee survived the last climactic upheaval.
Similar backstory here i guess, the gardening situation not so good though. A fully thought out plan may have taken that into account lol. But I was young really wanted to escape the madness. Being a boat guy I followed the trail up the coast.
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