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that still winter for uk bro. its 65f (18c) and this is uk spring. LOL.
Hate the cold bro but some the pictures you guys post looks so amazing but its still cold.
Yea lol the climate here isn't the main attraction:smoking: I'm attracted to the lack of van massacres :crying:

Now, I don't get why some of you North American folks think mint goes with pork. Please explain how! Lamb yes, pork - WTF??
They mix it with Jack daniels:rofl:

I like mint sauce with cold beef :shrug:
Hoping you have a boutifull summer on water and land :bow: I look at your pictures and I think that would be an awesome place to live but I also understand how hard that can be ass well much respect :bow:
Thanks my friend! love it here for sure and yep it's a lot of work for a old stoner. For me it's a "path of least resistance'" kind of deal, though. It's pretty good for a person with my particular personality flaws!
Respect to you bro, I don't I can cope with what you do. I am to much of city boy.
few days of what you do and I be fooked.
A lot of the 'hard work" aspect of it is tough but for me it's easier than dealing with life in a more civilized place. I'm not exactly a 'people person'
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