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I wish I can live like you bro but I am a pussy when it comes to hard work.
I am thinking of moving to Thailand or Vietnam in a few years live out in the country side, there I can pay people to do all the hard work for me.

Yep. You need a plant scientist, look me up. LOL.
I wish I can live like you bro but I am a pussy when it comes to hard work.
I am thinking of moving to Thailand or Vietnam in a few years live out in the country side, there I can pay people to do all the hard work for me.
It's pretty damned counter-intuitive for sure. I'm really lazy. I'm probably not the kind of person who would be very self-motivated if it wasn't a life or death matter:rofl::rofl:
what I've found is that I'm not lazy when life and work mix. But when work is fully separate from the rest of life, I get lazy and don't want to go. If I'm on property, and live/work is all the same I'm good. Never happier. I loved being a white water guide, I lived in a tent, walked to work, cooked and partied with my co-workers, etc. Best time of my life, and laziness was not ever a factor. It all lasted about 5 years.
Room for a small one ?


my cat wont stop crying and moaning downstairs. WTF, shut it. She got food, water, toys, she uses the dog door and has hundreds of acres to roam. Crybaby.

she brought a chipmunk in in this morning, and a blue tail lizard this afternoon. I was able to release the chipmunk, but the lizard is hold up under the couch with 3 legs...
Just wanted to give a plug for Sannie's Shop! I ordered Herijuana ( FINALLY In Stock!! ). I was concerned they ship by regular post. Well, only Mephisto has ever got an order to me quicker! two weeks by regular mail.
AND good stealth at no extra cost! Seeds are inexpensive considering the outstanding repution of Sannie's seeds! $35.00 for 10 regs ( they have fems too ) and they added 5 freebies!

Going to be growing some bad ass medicine soon!
Get me a job with you pal ,,,,:smoking:
Will ask my boss bro. You have travel see customers and drive 600 to 800 miles a week.
I love south east asia bro, cheap food nice people.
Muddy has nice house out in north Vietnam, I been over few times and just love the food and rice wine (60% proof) lovely.
Amazing seafood.
what I've found is that I'm not lazy when life and work mix. But when work is fully separate from the rest of life, I get lazy and don't want to go. If I'm on property, and live/work is all the same I'm good. Never happier. I loved being a white water guide, I lived in a tent, walked to work, cooked and partied with my co-workers, etc. Best time of my life, and laziness was not ever a factor. It all lasted about 5 years.
You know, I really hate when spring rolls around and I have to switch lifestyles,from one that is pretty unstructured to the one that is focused on the one thing... but once we have moved on the boat and it's just get up and go fishing in the morning, Its cool. And the relaxed social scene around the dock is about right for me. Some days it's quiet some days a party
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