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Glad to see ya back my man... we have decided to name the farm house after the step grandmother, "Wren Nest". She was a life time Wren... female member of the Royal Navy with a very distinguished service, you can imagine what type of step grandmother she was with a life time in the services. She only ever wanted to have a family of her own and the Navy filled that hole for a very long time, then she met my misses Granddad and inherited one. I can't thank her enough for what she is about to do for my family from the grave.

Bless Grandma Wren...:headbang:

Night all:toke:

[HASHTAG]#sleeptight[/HASHTAG] @Renaissance Redneck :bighug:..
Their sisters ... :crying:
Hey AFN, happy Friday!

Right on, Dave! I have seen concerts on MTV live where the band consisted of one guy with his computer and a guy with one of those electronic drum sets. These guys were supposed to be a big time act.....I thought they sucked out loud but the kids there were eating it up.............

I've liked musical acts like that before, though. It can be lame, but there are plenty like Thomas Dolby, Howard Jones, etc... that are using the electronic, everything through a sequencer compositions and do it very well.

The ones that I can't stand are more the Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber type acts where there are more dancers on stage than musicians.
I have to admit to having a lot of love for Underworld, Pendulum, William Orbit and Delerium. They all do significant work with computers for their music and, to me, it still counts. Not everyone likes it, and I don't like a lot of the more recent computer-generated stuff, but those ones of this century have a special place in my heart.

Don't get me wrong.... I just figure it's better not to poke karma in the face on it's special day.
I don't mind Friday 13ths, I used to have more trouble with Monday 13th LOL. Now, don't have a problem with either of them.

Evning, Stoners :toke:
Oh my goodness! @Renaissance Redneck and @rosa :bighug:Much love to you both! :kiss:

Just checked...I've got 14 to take down this weekend..and Least favourite job....soooo...if you want to swap jobs...just say...:pass:
I haven't had that task yet, maybe before the end of the year...

I'm all good @RenaissanceRedneck, life is playing out well for me and the family. We have the opportunity to buy a family home in the next few months. Something we thought would be years away but by luck and misfortune we have come into a windfall due to loosing a step grandmother... and its enough for me to get that small farm in the wonderful county of Cornwall.
Sorry to hear about your loss, it's a bit of a silver lining though. I didn't know you wanted to do this! I've wanted a smallholding for years but although we could reach one now I'd have to work to keep us in real cash for utility bills and council tax. I love the name you've chosen for it - we have wrens nesting very near us, they're such sweet little birds. Feel free to message me, I may have some useful resources for you :bighug:
Good afternoon Taipan! How are things with you? Almost cloudless this side of London :smoking:
Its lovely day in south London, working from home today.
Almost finish my work for the day and going have a big fat joint.
:pass:You not working today?
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