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I wish @Mike20132 was on...he could explain it much better, apparently it's like a junction point for the cable signals and then the signal is routed out to many cable I'm not the only one suffering TV withdrawal!
Bit late... I'm here if I can help.

Also really stoned. I was deep into pruning the GG4 and I (cough) accidentally lopped off a small frosty branch. A trip through the PAX-3 vape and I am mightily stoned. This is pretty damn encouraging given it has a month to go.
Doing much better now that cable fixed.........can watch wc tomorrow.......what about you?
Finding new, "Weird sh*t" to listen to.
Like this:

It's like... Ghost bc went back to the 70s or something...
No, thank you! I really appreciate your generous offer......I have my seeds and most everything else.......but the grow light.....the most expensive component. The bright side is that I should only have to wait until the 18th when the old gov't check rolls in! Thanks again, dude!!
Save your coinage and get an autocob. Even if you started the seeds right now, you'll have about a week before the light is mandatory. Those lights have been described as "a piece of the sun," and to be honest, I think it's a reasonable comparison.

My tent is a bit short at 5 feet high, so I went with a slightly smaller cob (10 watts lower than the standard offering) and that's because @BigSm0 is an awesome person... I do plan on getting a taller tent, and the sm0 set it up so I can upgrade to a higher wattage COB when the time is right. Seriously solid dude.
Yeah I remember you lost cable yesterday. I couldn't live without tv man SORRY . I have comcast x1 also but have been lucky only 2 outages in 5 years and only for 3 hours or so. What is a node
I think by node, @hesgone13 means the common hub that feeds your area. Depending on which company you talk to, it can take the name of node, or concentrator, or whatever they decide to call it.

You share that node with everyone in your area, and when it has problems, all of you do. Also worthy of note is that you all share the same internet connection back to the main office. This is why things slow down from time to time.
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