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They (Gov't anit-weeders) dont want to believe or reveal the positive numbers ,
Morning buddy!

I'm pretty sure I read some where a while ago that NIDA will NOT do any studies looking into the positive effects of canna......only the negatives....which is fine, except they do not tell the general public that little tid bit.
Bahahah....If it wasnt for weed, I would have gave up in high school and college. I still got decent grades, 3.0 above smoking. Some of the greatest minds smoked, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, JFK, Shakespear to name a few . And you would be correct, it would be interesting who is paying for her script, and what political agency (think J.Sessions) is paying for her script. They (Gov't anit-weeders) dont want to believe or reveal the positive numbers , until they are absolutely sure that the Gov't and Big Pharma can somehow corner the market.

Well said :biggrin:

Hell, right now it's looking like I should have grown a couple more plants... I've smoked/vaped almost half of what I had so far...
That is the glory of can set up a perpetual grow all in one tent. Start a plant (or more) every month....or even every few weeks...and fresh bud is always right around the corner. :d5:
Good morning folks:smokeout:

So....I was just reading an interview with the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) here in the US.....she was talking about how nicotine was MUCH safer for teenagers, because cannabis will slow down their learning process and make the drop out of school.....nicotine on the other hand won't become a problem until they're in their 60's and get lung cancer...:nono::nono::cuss::cuss::amazon::wall::wall:

I suppose the bright side is......we now know who's checks this woman is cashing...corrupt fooking politicians.

She also spouted a bunch of shit about the addiction properties of weed. :WTF:

One bad thing about being American... Most of our "safety laws" are written by lobbyists.
With all of the studies that have been done on cannabis coming to light (like the one that was recently released that says pot only effects cognitive function for 72 hours) I'm certain most of these lobbyist/big pharma funded fucktards' time in their position is extremely limited.
That is the glory of can set up a perpetual grow all in one tent. Start a plant (or more) every month....or even every few weeks...and fresh bud is always right around the corner. :d5:
Gotta plan your work and work your plan !! Right Frankie ...:d5:
Morning buddy!

I'm pretty sure I read some where a while ago that NIDA will NOT do any studies looking into the positive effects of canna......only the negatives....which is fine, except they do not tell the general public that little tid bit.

I will have to look it up, but there was a few agencies that the Gov't asked to do research on MJ. However, the Gov't asked them , better yet...TOLD them , Do not publish the positives, only the negatives, or we will pull funding etc. Everyone that accepted, had ties to some of the largest Pharma companies......Go figure.
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