Oh [HASHTAG]#bushy[/HASHTAG] a few days of me..me..me..time...Lucky you...
I'll get the penguin to cook some extra cookies and leave more [HASHTAG]#scoobysnacks[/HASHTAG] in the staff room......take away menu is under the microwave...
Yeah it is. Bad thing is, My wife wanted me to "gift" a few ounces of it... Lmao she wasn't happy when I told her the plants didn't give me enough to keep me in smoke and to "gift" it.
One bad thing about being American... Most of our "safety laws" are written by lobbyists.
With all of the studies that have been done on cannabis coming to light (like the one that was recently released that says pot only effects cognitive function for 72 hours) I'm certain most of these lobbyist/big pharma funded fucktards' time in their position is extremely limited.
Yes sir!! And most importantly....never....and I mean NEVER underestimate how big of a stoner you are! Always try to grow more than you think you'll need!
I will have to look it up, but there was a few agencies that the Gov't asked to do research on MJ. However, the Gov't asked them , better yet...TOLD them , Do not publish the positives, only the negatives, or we will pull funding etc. Everyone that accepted, had ties to some of the largest Pharma companies......Go figure.
Heheh Gump ... trying to get back on me vape..
Finally stopped being lazy and changed coils and threw in som fresh “cotton bacon “ good brand of cotton for the vapers
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