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OOOhhhhh man ...You Again

It's me again, Margaret...
I completely understand-I absolutely can't stand what is NOW called hiphop. These I posted are REAL HH Classics. Not the same at all as whats now going on. But again not that it matters.Although if you ever are up to it check one of em out and compare it to whats on radio now. You can clearly hear the difference. Either way jam on mOn

CC, I appreciate the difference but I can't get beyond the fact that I can't stand the droning reciting of poetry that I would been flunked for in the 4th grade and that most it is done in exactly the same cadence and expression. Not to mention all the pseudo gansta crap about hos and popping caps with my nine and shit like that.......when I think of all the great black musicians and singers over the years, it just makes me sick! Sorry for the rant! Peace.
Well, Archie.....I'm ashamed to tell you that I didn't grow it and it isn't street's internet weed! I actually was so desperate to get some smoke that I ordered some from a site I found on the net. I have no contacts where I live since my son passed away a little over 2 yrs ago. I thought for sure it would be a rip off.........paid $75 + $5 shipping for a 1/4 oz....was on sale down from $90 for 4/20. Paid in bitcoin expecting the worst.....lo and behold 4 days later received a package with what I ordered inside triple vacuum sealed. the weight was spot on and it does the trick.....sometimes things are for real!!:yay:

whats to be ashamed of,you found weed the only way you could.and now you getting high/ on AFN next step home grown,and home grown is top shelf to me.
whats to be ashamed of,you found weed the only way you could.and now you getting high/ on AFN next step home grown,and home grown is top shelf to me.

Thanks, Arch! Appreciate the kind words.....I just felt kind of stupid taking a chance like that.....I'm glad there is at least one honest company performing a very useful service. Not everyone can grow or live in a legal state....not mention risk searching on the street.......Hopefully, in a few months, I'll be toking on my own grow!!
It's great we can argue our musical tastes with respect and not get into a shit fight like on other sites. I love you guys and AFN for that respect.

Me too, EP! It's a good thing we like different things and can talk about them......or we would all be smoking one kind of canna, lol!

A real piece of work YOU are
**For Sale**
0.0001 GBP
(Last One Left)

I love the comedians like Rodney Dangerfield... The age back before vulgarity became the norm, And offensive became funny... Back when Mel Brooks could make movies, And people would laugh...
Everyone in the world needs to sit back, relax, light one up and turn on Airplane!, Blazing Saddles, or Kentucky Fried Movie and have a goooooddd timmmee.

Wanna hear me bark like Rin Tin Tin?
It's great we can argue our musical tastes with respect and not get into a shit fight like on other sites. I love you guys and AFN for that respect.

To me, arguing over other people's taste in music shows a general lack of intelligence.
Arguing in general, Does, come to think of it, Because it shows an inability to reason and see other people's side of things.
I love the comedians like Rodney Dangerfield... The age back before vulgarity became the norm, And offensive became funny... Back when Mel Brooks could make movies, And people would laugh...
Everyone in the world needs to sit back, relax, light one up and turn on Airplane!, Blazing Saddles, or Kentucky Fried Movie and have a goooooddd timmmee.

Wanna hear me bark like Rin Tin Tin?

Now, Rusty.......don't get Rinny all excited......Damn, that brings back memories of Saturday mornings watching Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, My Friend Flicka, and Sky King. My kids couldn't believe that we only had 3 channels back then....all in that weird black and white! Dichoti, we are sinking ever deeply into old fartdom!
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