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I would, too! No way you will find something to beat what you can grow and refine yourself.
Could not agree more.

At issue is the THC content. I have no way to know if what I make will pass scrutiny of law enforcement. For my personal use, that is something I am clearly not concerned with.. Sending it via US Mail to my daughter is a whole new ball of wax. (or FedEx, etc.) No way do I want to put myself or my daughter in legal jeopardy if there are pre-made alternatives that do not carry that risk.

Maybe instead of researching high CBD indica/sativa/ruderalis strains, I should be looking for high CBD hemp strains. Though they won't be autos, I can grow them outdoors with impunity. I have enough space that I could plant hundreds of seeds and just wait to see what the sun makes for me.
While reading up on CBD extracts, I saw a few items where the manufacturer boasts that the ethanol was made from "Non GMA corn." And even went on to imply that the alcohol made from this corn was somehow inferior to the alcohol made from organic corn. Holy shit, that is a whole lot of stupid to absorb at once.
While reading up on CBD extracts, I saw a few items where the manufacturer boasts that the ethanol was made from "Non GMA corn." And even went on to imply that the alcohol made from this corn was somehow inferior to the alcohol made from organic corn. Holy shit, that is a whole lot of stupid to absorb at once.
Should mention, I have no love for GMA products, but to imply that the ethanol molecule will somehow be different based on where the starch came from is just silly.
While reading up on CBD extracts, I saw a few items where the manufacturer boasts that the ethanol was made from "Non GMA corn." And even went on to imply that the alcohol made from this corn was somehow inferior to the alcohol made from organic corn. Holy shit, that is a whole lot of stupid to absorb at once.

That's the kind of bullshit that companies think is essential for sales to the hip, aware, upscale idiots that have no idea what organic or non GMA really means!
That's the kind of bullshit that companies think is essential for sales to the hip, aware, upscale idiots that have no idea what organic or non GMA really means!
Typical marketing horseshit. Buzzwords and tugs on emotional strings...

I am all for non-pharma options for keeping us healthy. 150%. There are some things for which we still have to rely on the engineered molecule to set us straight, but wherever nature can provide a cure I am likely to lean towards that as the preferred treatment. Where it can't, I accept that the pharma option is still better than nothing.

Where it starts to break down is when people are promoting things that can be proven to have zero positive benefit, but people still buy them. When you are dying, and you turn to alternative methods for a cure, it would be really nice if the people that are ostensibly trying to help you actually had a clue what they were talking about.

Case in point: Alkalized water. I feel bad for anyone that went in for this nonsense.

One of my favorite chemist youtubers put this together on that very subject. What it shows me is that while for some of the proponents their hearts were clearly in the right place, others are just out to make a buck, probably knowing that its nonsense. Have a look:

Want good quality cbd oil

Dutch passion and Sensi Seeds do oil :biggrin:

There’s a new strain from dianfemnwhich has less than 1 percent thc, and 20 percent cbd which would be excellent for anxiety,

Get ypur sleep right and anxiety will vanish, well it helps. And less sleep causes anxiety, and staying awake more than 16 hours occurs brain damage, on a small amount, if this is done daily, ypu can understand there will be mental issues, I myself suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. I can relate and understand how evil anxiety can be, ypu feel disabled.
Want good quality cbd oil

Dutch passion and Sensi Seeds do oil :biggrin:

There’s a new strain from dianfemnwhich has less than 1 percent thc, and 20 percent cbd which would be excellent for anxiety,

Get ypur sleep right and anxiety will vanish, well it helps. And less sleep causes anxiety, and staying awake more than 16 hours occurs brain damage, on a small amount, if this is done daily, ypu can understand there will be mental issues, I myself suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. I can relate and understand how evil anxiety can be, ypu feel disabled.
I went with the Dutch Passion Charlotte's Angel. 0.7 THC is listed, but I have no way to know if that will be the actual amount. That's the critical factor. I'm still gonna grow and use it myself, but I am not 100% confident that it won't send up some cops red flag if tested.
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