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Well part of dinner is ready now to get it cooked.

I hope that you host an AFN BBQ!

Reps for consistently showing us delicious food pictures :chef:

AFN'ers! If your pot doesn't give you the munchies, @bushmasterar15 will!
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Oh I see,,, is it day like 24 when ypu see preflowers bushy.
In my limited experience with DWC, once the plants start the stretch, they are pulling in upwards of 1L a day of solution. Climbs to as high 2L a day as flowering starts in earnest. I think it has a lot to do with the size of the plant at that point. More leaves that are aspirating means more water being taken up, I assume.
Journals updated. The cheeze is moving right along. The GG4 is having a few minor issues. Nothing I'm not already ahead of before it gets too bad.

What is weird is the little spots on the early leaves. This has happened in the last three grows. If it's a nutrient deficiency, all I can think is calcium. I can't find any critters.
Journals updated. The cheeze is moving right along. The GG4 is having a few minor issues. Nothing I'm not already ahead of before it gets too bad.

What is weird is the little spots on the early leaves. This has happened in the last three grows. If it's a nutrient deficiency, all I can think is calcium. I can't find any critters.
Is it just the first set of leaves?
Is it just the first set of leaves?
It seems to carry on to a various degree right up until the stretch. If it's bugs, they don't eat much, and don't seem to harm the rest of the plant. That and they would have to be damn near invisible, because I have looked. Not saying I just haven't found them. That is certainly possible. My vision leaves quite a bit to be desired.
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