Just made a batch of tincture out of that 1/2 oz of sugar leaves/popcorn from the speed bud grow.
Wanted to give you the numbers and some interesting things I discovered..
Since it was sugar leaves, I used 25% less than the 2oz solvent per .125oz plant. I figure that is still way more than enough solvent to capture the goods..
I find that monitoring temperature while the solution is cooking is only important until it hits around 170F. As long as you keep the water at a simmer, it's already pretty close to 212F, and the booze in the jar cannot possibly go above about 170F anyway until its boiled down to just water. (Before any chemists kick in with "superheated," there are nucleation points a-plenty on the ground plant matter. It won't exceed the azeotrope.)
Though with that much plant matter, you probably want to stir the mixture often during the 20 minute boil. I noticed the herb clumped up on the bottom, reducing the surface area for the alcohol to reach. Occasional stirring not only restores the massive surface area, but it also makes sure the solution doesn't get too concentrated in spots, slowing the rate of dissolution. I have no idea what the actual rate at which CBD, THC, and THCA can dissolve in ethanol, so I want to make the process as effective as possible. (Yes, I am assuming there is still some THCA present, but the decarboxylation reaction should continue in the hot ethanol.)
Here are the cooling, still-unfiltered results (a bit blurry, but you get the idea):
I'll upload another pic once it is cooled and filtered. Not anticipating it to be as strong as stuff made from just flower, but i'll titrate the heck out of it over the next few days, I'm sure..