Funniest moment happened the other day at a really good friends house while visiting his garden. He also started a grow just recently as we often sync up our grows. He brings me to the ladies in the tent and says,..."It ain't germinated yet." This, as I am standing there looking at the little ladies in their pots about 5cm tall. So you can imagine my confusion at this point. I said, what do you mean, ain't germinated yet, I am looking at them right here. Then he says, NO I SAID THAT I TAINT GERMINATED IT.
Wtf did you just say bro? He says, yes, I taint germinated it, and he motions to his groin region. I started laughing my face off

. are you f$@ing kidding me bro, I ask? He says yep, I put the seeds in a paper towel, stuck that in a little plastic baggy , and then stuck that under my junk.

You must be joking right? And then i remeber a conversation I had where I said I germinated seeds one time in a little container in my pocket one time, then I stuck it in the pocket of my pajama shorts over night. He just took it on step further.
That's right folks TAINT GERMINATION is now an option. He seemed very happy wth himself and I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.