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Zoo denies painting black stripes on donkey to look like a zebra

A zoo has denied painting black stripes on a donkey to make it look like a zebra, following a series of images which appeared online.

Mahmoud Sarhan, an Egyptian student, posted pictures of the animal on Facebook after visiting Cairo’s International Garden park. He said the donkey enclosure featured two painted animals.

Experts were quick to agree with Mr Sarhan’s assessment.

Alex Adams, a wildlife biologist and researcher at Colorado State University, said there was no doubt it was something other than a zebra.

“The stripes (on a zebra) are always defined, never smudged, and zebras can be small but never that small,” he told The Independent.

Too funny, i had to post :rofl:it!
I gave up drinking when o woke up one day nakid but for a pair of oven gloves,the gloves wer on me feet,never found out where i was orwhos gloves ?
haha..dude...that's so funny :crying::crying::pass:
I'm 43 and I need 2 or 3 day to recover sometimes... I feel ya bruh

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Dude/dudette, I'm 35 and gave up drinking because I started getting two and three day long hangovers...
Whole lot easier for them to give a script than treat someone proper!! Terrible with all the od deaths from opiate pills prescribed by pain doctors.

Well, not to defend the docs, but I'd imagine there are a lot of people that just want the "quick fix" and the doc to give them a pill and don't want to put in the work to do the physical therapy to fix issues. Probably a two way street type of problem to some degree. :jointman:

Goooood morning AFN!!!!!!

More rain in the forecast today!!! YAY!!!!! Lovin' the cooler weather for a few days before the next heat wave.

Well, not to defend the docs, but I'd imagine there are a lot of people that just want the "quick fix" and the doc to give them a pill and don't want to put in the work to do the physical therapy to fix issues. Probably a two way street type of problem to some degree. :jointman:

Goooood morning AFN!!!!!!

More rain in the forecast today!!! YAY!!!!! Lovin' the cooler weather for a few days before the next heat wave.

Doctors have been told too cut back on loads of things, like offering scans. They expect you too have serious complications for them too diagnose you, it might be too late, for example if you go in for a stomach ache, it could be anything, but they will fob ypu off more than once..rather than doing loads of tests on you,

And it turned out too be stomach ulcers !!!!
Mailman just ran boy that's fast ordered Monday have em today plus 22 freebies 10 Bubbly livers 10 Sour Crinkle and 2 Fugue State and lots of stickers:woohoo:

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Me too but If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Haha, i would be ready for the ride!:pass:
Have a great day @arty zan

I don't know if I could live through it all again....................:crying:
LOL, i would choose only the the good parts, now i'm older i know what to do and what not:crying:
Well after weeks and weeks without rain & sizzling temps verging into 30 C plus, mother nature has decide to play a trick on us in the SW of England!
You'll see by the weather map, that we a gonna have some torrential rain.
If you look at the legend the green colours denote the heaviest rain on the scale and we are gonna get some of that!
Temps in the SW will drop from 28 C - 29C to 20 C - 21 C for 5 days, which will be sooo nice!
The rain is as of 10AM Sunday and during that rain event temps will even go down to 17 C - 18 C during that time!
West country rain 2018-07-27_16-01-29.jpg

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