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The only other time NE'ers don't wear coats, is on a Friday night when on the lash on a night out doon the toon, in the middle of winter!:crying: northern lasses don't feel the cold!:smoking:

There is nothing like waking up in a snowbank halfway back from "Down Street" Ayuh.
@arty zan got access to a garden...? We is having a pumpkin growing comp next year......:eyebrows:
I'm down for that, I've taken a year out and left it fallow this year,I just wanted a do nothing year, in order to use that time elsewhere.
I'm guessing we will all be using the same strain of pumkin?? Or is it "a grow what you like" kinda deal?
If we are all to grow the same, please don't make it "Atlantic Giant! those things need a forklift to move them.
I would want to use a bush variety , a few years ago I had a Harlequin squash grow about 10 meters across my garden, so I don't want a trailing variety, maybe a semi-bush variety would be cool.
It is a shame that I'm not growing anything outside this year as it would have been brilliant for butternut squash that really enjoy some good heat to ripen.
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