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Good stuff!!! I can see now why your so busy in summer. Bummer about the tomatoe. My veggie garden has never looked so good since I have started to grow canna

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OH they were huge for sure!! 3 foot or better bushes with mega tomatoes....but a bunch of dew nights and some rain near the end sent 'em to the trash!
Pork these days is so genetically modified for low fat -lean meat, it has no flavor, In the restaurant we use Berkshire Heritage ,double the cost, but has great marbling and taste. Comes from Idaho- Snake river
Berkshire are pretty popular here in oz with the hobbyists i am told that they are the Angus of the pig world. I refuse to buy store pork since I started to raise our own there is no flavor to it

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No waste in my household, every veggie scrap gets used for veggie stock all meat scraps and bones for Brodo(meat stock). If people grew there own food they would realize the work involved and give the products the respect they deserve. Americans throw out so much food. To me it is so wrong!!
My wife preserves pretty much everything we grow...makes sauces out of the tomatoes and the herbs we grow. We are trying to live a semi self sufficient lifestyle, in a non self sufficiency supporting society.
Does your wife use apple pectin for the fruit preserves??
My wife preserves pretty much everything we grow...makes sauces out of the tomatoes and the herbs we grow. We are trying to live a semi self sufficient lifestyle, in a non self sufficiency supporting society.
That's awesome, no too many folks left like you guys. We to are pretty much self sufficient except for some fruit and potatoes . Your not wrong about tomatoes chefdave fresh with pepper and salt is heaven

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Personally i really like the yellow fruits and veggies.....maybe i am a bit OCD, but yelow sweet peppers, yellow zucchini, kiwi gold raspberries all kick the crap out of their coloured conterparts!! BTW kiwi gold raspberries are the friggin best!!
Here is my seedstocker Big Bud 4 feet 6 inches tall.
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