I've only tried RM Oysters once or twice in a couple restaurants over the years. Kind of a "can take 'em or leave 'em" type thing when I did....ok, but nothing I'd personally go out of my way to find. They really aren't as common to find around here as you would think they might be.
Hahaha yeah you guys are sure crazy up there! The things that a man will endure to catch a fish never cease to amaze me. I don't know if my deep freeze gets that cold
Its pretty awesome...its a lake with 120miles(240km) of shoreline and only my buddy and I fishing. We saw 2 guys fishing in the winter once for an afternoon out of 21 days
Its pretty awesome...its a lake with 120miles(240km) of shoreline and only my buddy and I fishing. We saw 2 guys fishing in the winter once for an afternoon out of 21 days
Man that sounds good! You can't get any better than that. Where i live the closest neighbors are 11km away and the nearest town (population of 1200)is 115km away so I am used to the open spaces. Edit some times I don't see another soul besides my wife for months at a time so I can appreciate the solitude
Its pretty awesome...its a lake with 120miles(240km) of shoreline and only my buddy and I fishing. We saw 2 guys fishing in the winter once for an afternoon out of 21 days
My good friend that i fish with works like crazy in the summer(and my time is tied as well). The farm(veggies, fruits, beef, pork, chicken) pretty much shuts down in the winter, so thats when i can play.
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