So I think the final report on the batch of tincture I made is ready.
2ml is a wee bit too much for a daily dose. Going to add 25% straight booze to bring down the concentration a bit so it's easier to gauge the effects of the doses. I.e. a .5 ml error doesn't result in heart palpitations...
Other than that, it's not too bad. With the additional booze, I'll have 200ml, or 100 doses. All from just under an ounce of scraps and popcorn.
Definitely worth the effort.
@912GreenSkell I'll file one of those forms tomorrow probably. Been too busy cleaning out the tank from the GG4 grow. The base of the plant grew into part of the tank, so I have to cut bits away a small amount at a time or risk damaging the plastic. I think at this point i'll let it dry a bit and hope it becomes a bit more brittle.