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I had one of these for a while . Had great plans until I discovered it would 'nt break up clay . It was like trying to hang on to a loco ass . Nearly pulled my arms clear of the sockets . Sold at a reduced price .:rofl:
I had one of these for a while . Had great plans until I discovered it would 'nt break up clay . It was like trying to hang on to a loco ass . Nearly pulled my arms clear of the sockets . Sold at a reduced price .:rofl:
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Yup..that is the problem here too @9bear ..small rotovator just bounces off....

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This is my little veggie patch. I didn't plant but tomatoes and clover last year. I let the clover go, mowing it down till now. I'm going to turn it in and make a proper veggied patch again this year.

It Looks nice and fertile judging by the clover...if I could grow plants as well as I can grow weeds..I'd be dead Happy...:biggrin:
Have you seen the Automated ones...with drones....?

They are Amazing.........using them now on big commercial grows but they reckon they will filter down main stream. a farmer don't have to know Anything about growing a crop..the machine does everything for optimum growth/harvesting..driverless...drones feed back when crop is perfect to harvest.

When the farmer got this is a soak and drain away field...they had a 20 ft theodolite in the field and it adjusted all the gradient in the field so it was Perfect...the driver just drove...and a computer adjusted the cut.


Yea! they are getting good! (good? hmm..)

Automated warehousing is comonplace but they are getting the algorithms together now for almost anything that can be replicated as a grid. Lol, even then! they don't need a grid anymore really..
It Looks nice and fertile judging by the clover...if I could grow plants as well as I can grow weeds..I'd be dead Happy...:biggrin:

I've been amending it for 5 years now, it's brilliant soil. No till and cover crop only for three years now. I focused on perennials and edibles for a while. I have producing fruits now!
I had one of these for a while . Had great plans until I discovered it would 'nt break up clay . It was like trying to hang on to a loco ass . Nearly pulled my arms clear of the sockets . Sold at a reduced price .:rofl:
View attachment 882105

:crying: Hubby did that when we got ours...riding the trailer like a horse instead of holding it down...:crying:

I Think it rattled his teeth out...


[HASHTAG]#beaster[/HASHTAG] ..we are wet lands...when the surface of the soil gets wet it sets like concrete...and just bounces lighter ones off..
I've been amending it for 5 years now, it's brilliant soil. No till and cover crop only for three years now. I focused on perennials and edibles for a while. I have producing fruits now!


I'm having probs sussing mine out...I Need a good soil ph meter...:thumbsup:
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